Impressum | photo by Alice Brazil
Supported with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the program NEUSTART KULTUR, DIS-TANZEN by Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.
Mark Christoph Klee studied contemporary dance at the Amsterdam University of the Arts (B.A. Modern Theatre Dance). He works as a freelancing performer in the north of Germany (Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein), France, Netherlands, Switzerland and Italy. He is a choreographer with his own collective Merle | Mischke | Klee. As a creative producer he administrates cultural projects and initiatives (tanz.nord, Tanz und Performance Netzwerk Schleswig-Holstein TuP.SH, TachoTinta, etc.)
Mark Christoph Klee studierte Zeitgenössischen Tanz an der Amsterdam University of the Arts (B.A. Modern Theatre Dance). Er arbeitet als freischaffender Performer in Norddeutschland (Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein), Frankreich, Niederlande, Schweiz und Italien. Er ist Choreograf mit seinem eigenen Kollektiv Merle | Mischke | Klee. Als Creative Producer / Produktionsleiter betreut er kulturelle Projekte und Initiativen (tanz.nord, Tanz und Performance Netzwerk Schleswig-Holstein TuP.SH, TachoTinta etc.)